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XIII Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism

The Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism (BIAU) is launching its open, public call for the 13th edition, which will be held in Lima during the first week of December. Under the theme CLIMATES: Actions for Good Living, this call for submissions seeks to recognize projects that, in the spheres of architecture, urban planning and related disciplines, offer alternative and innovative solutions for inhabiting and caring for the planet.

Registration is open from 1 July and will close in the first week of September 2024. In this edition, the usual categories of the Biennial – Works, Professional Achievement, Publications, and Teaching Programs – are complemented by two new additions: New Rules and Other Coordinates.

Convened by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda (MIVAU) through the General Secretariat for Urban Agenda, Housing and Architecture, in collaboration with the Higher Council of the Spanish Architects’ Associations (CSCAE) and the Arquia Foundation, the XIII Ibero-American Biennial for Architecture and Urbanism (BIAU), is consolidated under the Biennials’ general theme, “We are the architecture we live in”, in its role as one of the fundamental points of reference for understanding the current and prospective situation of architecture and urban planning in the Ibero-American community.

Actions for Good Living

The XIII edition of the BIAU, with the theme, CLIMATE: Actions for Good Living aims to serve as a space for debating the contemporary practices of architecture, urban planning and territorial planning, looking to expand and disseminate the capacity for action and the impact of our profession in the face of the various crises we are currently facing. This entails a revision of the limits and the possibilities of our work, focused on the search for new meanings, new processes and new rules for coexistence and for the production and dissemination of knowledge.

The celebration in the Peruvian capital has the support of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), the Architects’ Association of Peru (CAP), the Lima Art Museum (MALI), the Place of Memory, Tolerance and Social Inclusion (LUM), TEDxTukuy, the University of Engineering and Technology (UTEC), the Terwilliger Center for Housing Innovation in Shelter at Habitat for Humanity, the Urban Housing Practitioners Hub (UHPH), the CONURB Research Group, the Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Exports and Tourism (PROMPERÚ), the Program for the Recovery of the Historic Centre of Lima (PROLIMA) and other cultural platforms such as Proyecto AMIL. And organizations such as the network of Ollas Comunes (soup kitchens) in Metropolitan Lima, the Central Management Board of Cruz de Armatambo, and the association of women in construction “Mano a Mano”. As a result, the panorama of projects and publications from Ibero-America will be presented in various places and formats across the city, including exhibitions, roundtable discussions, workshops, urban walking tours, and events in public spaces.

Likewise, this year’s edition is curated by a team of architects from Peru and Spain with diverse profiles: Elizabeth Añaños Vega, María Arquero de Alarcón, Emilio Ontiveros de la Fuente, Gary Leggett Cahuas, José Luis Villanueva Castañeda and Luis Rodríguez Rivero. In line with the objectives of the Biennial’s public competition to explore adaptation strategies for inhabiting a planet that is increasingly being damaged by human activity, the project has chosen to headquarter in Lima, an exceptional place to reflect on extreme climate conditions and their impact on the built environment.

With registration and submission deadlines adapted to each of the categories, the BIAU begins the process for the submission and selection of projects to be included in this 13th edition. A jury of specialists in each category will select the works for their quality and their adherence to the criteria included in the call. The prizes will be honorary, and the winning submissions will be included in the Biennial’s publication.

Categories and registration deadlines:

>>Projects: Panorama of Projects for the XIII BIAU

This category intends to recognize projects in architecture and urban planning, on various scales, that address society’s current challenges, serving as a model for solutions in the region. Special importance will be given to projects that have a positive impact on the territory through improvements and innovations in infrastructure, public spaces, social integration and mobilization, and environmental sustainability. The proposals must respond to the crisis situation, contributing to a more liveable future that supports coexistence under conditions of equity.• Deadline for registration and submission of projects: 3 September 2024.• Prize: inclusion in the Panorama of Projects at the XIII Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, and receipt of a diploma. Projects will be included in the XIII BIAU publication and may form part of the Biennial exhibition.• Deliberation phases 1 and 2: September 2024.• Resolution: October 2024• Jury: the evaluators will include the president of the BIAU, a representative of the CSCAE, a representative of ARQUIA, representatives of the curatorial team and a series of curators and jury members. The first phase will be evaluated by a team of curators distributed equally among five Ibero-American regions: David García Asenjo, Cristina Verissimo and Diogo Burnay for the Northern region; Sol Camacho, Alfonso Garduño and Michael Smith Masis, for the Central region; Alejandro Celedón, Jean Pierre Crousse and Camilo Restrepo for the Andes region and Solano Benitez, Nicolás Campodónico and Loreto Lyon for the Southern region. The second phase will be evaluated by a team of jurors composed of the coordinator, Almudena Ribot, along with Gines Garrido (Spain), Patricia Llosa (Peru) and Angelo Bucci (Brazil). The Permanent Secretary of the BIAU (CSCAE) will act as secretary of the jury, as a non-voting member.

>>Professional Achievement

Honorary award for professional achievement, for important contributions in the field of Ibero-American architecture and urbanism focused on addressing and engaging with the challenges posed by the current climate crises and conditions. • Deadline for registration and submission of applications: 6 September 2024. • Prize: The Ibero-American Prize for Architecture and Urbanism will consist of a diploma and a commemorative item that will be handed out during a public ceremony organised specifically for that purpose. • Deliberation: September 2024. • Resolution: October 2024. • Evaluators: the evaluators will include the president of the BIAU, a representative of the CSCAE, a representative of ARQUIA, representatives of the curatorial team, and the jury members Almudena Ribot (Spain) and Sandra Barclay (Peru). The Permanent Secretary of the BIAU (CSCAE) will act as secretary of the jury, as a non-voting member.


This category will centre on publications that, in the last two years, have disseminated new knowledge in the fields of architecture, urban planning and territorial planning with a focus on environmental, socioeconomic and political challenges. • Deadline for registration and submission of publications: 4 September 2024. • Prize: The prizes will consist of a diploma, the inclusion of a review of the works in the XIII BIAU publication, and the possibility of inclusion in the Biennial exhibition.• Deliberation: September 2024 • Resolution: October 2024 • Evaluators: The evaluators will include the president of the BIAU, a representative of the CSCAE, a representative of ARQUIA, representatives of the curatorial team, the jury coordinator, Almudena Ribot (Spain), and the jurors María Auxiliadora (Spain), Surella Segú (Mexico) and Ana María Duán (Ecuador). The Permanent Secretary of the BIAU (CSCAE) will act as secretary of the jury, as a non-voting member.

>>Teaching Programs

Teaching teams from architecture schools and faculties are invited to participate. Special consideration will be given to teaching methods that situate citizens as key agents in the processes of transforming the habitat; the new alliances between academia, the public sector, the private sector and civil society; and the ability to spark debate surrounding the forces that have shaped the contemporary habitat. • Deadline for registration and submission of applications: 5 September 2024. • Prize: The prize will consist of a diploma, the inclusion of the program in the BIAU XIII publication and in the Biennial exhibition. • Deliberation: September 2024 • Resolution: October 2024 • Evaluators: The evaluators will include the president of the BIAU, a representative of the CSCAE, a representative of ARQUIA, representatives of the curatorial team, the jury coordinator, Almudena Ribot (Spain), and the jurors Germán Valenzuela (Chile), Loreta Castro (Mexico), and José Alfredo Ramírez (Mexico). The Permanent Secretary of the BIAU (CSCAE) will act as secretary of the jury, as a non-voting member.

>>New Rules

This category aims to reward new ways of working, generating knowledge, and supporting coexistence. This section recognizes avenues of innovation and experimentation carried out by architects and professionals from other disciplines, institutions, associations, and social organizations that expand architects’ and urban planners’ alliances with professionals from other disciplines, institutions, associations, and social organizations. Specifically, the category will focus on five thematic lines: management, digital tools, materials and systems, community, and dissemination. • Deadline for registration and submission of initiatives: 6 September 2024. • Prize: The prizes will consist of a diploma, the inclusion of a review in the BIAU XIII publication, and the possibility of inclusion in the Biennial exhibition. • Deliberation: September 2024 • Resolution: October 2024 • Evaluators: Evaluators will include the president of the BIAU, a representative of the CSCAE, a representative of ARQUIA, representatives of the curatorial team, members of the advisory committee, the jury coordinator, Almudena Ribot (Spain), and the jurors Ana María León (Ecuador), Izaskun Chinchilla (Spain), and Manuel de Rivero (Peru). The Permanent Secretary of the BIAU (CSCAE) will act as secretary of the jury, as a non-voting member.

>>Other Coordinates

The goal of this category is to expand the landscape of the professional practice of Ibero-American architects in a global environment, recognizing that the challenges of today’s habitat transcend territorial borders. • Deadline for registration and submission of applications: 6 September 2024. • Prize: The prizes will consist of a diploma, the inclusion of a review of the works in the BIAU XIII publication, and the possibility of inclusion in the Biennial exhibition. • Deliberation: September 2024 • Resolution: October 2024 • Evaluators: Evaluators will include the president of the BIAU, a representative of the CSCAE, a representative of ARQUIA, representatives of the curatorial team, members of the advisory committee, the jury coordinator, Almudena Ribot (Spain), and the jurors Ana María Durán (Ecuador), Surella Segú (Mexico) and María Auxiliadora Gálvez (Spain). The Permanent Secretary of the BIAU (CSCAE) will act as secretary of the jury, as a non-voting member.

Download the information related to this competition here.


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