For more than 10 years, the international Green Product Awards have been honouring products from companies and start-ups that stand out for their sustainability, design and impact. The annual theme of the Green Product Awards, The Future is now, is reflected in the key visual and in the accompanying special project: together with the German-Dutch architecture firm A01, the best participants of the Award 2024 will be integrated into a European version of the "No Footprint House" that won last year.
In parallel, the Green Concept Award, in cooperation with the IKEA Stiftung, honours students and young designers in particular for visionary concepts, supports them with the Green Cells program, shows them at exhibitions and supports them in their further development. Beyond Imagination is the guiding principle here and the special project is the development of a sustainable and affordable capsule collection.
The awards are presented in the categories Architecture, Beauty & Personal Care, Building Components, New Materials, Consumer Goods, Fashion, Freestyle, Interior & Lifestyle, Kids, Kitchen, Mobility, Packaging, Sport and Workspace for the best product of a company, a start-up and the best concept.
Participants appreciate the feedback from experts, the visibility, the large audience and the exchange at the annual event, which was most recently opened by the Swedish Ambassador at the Nordic Embassies in Berlin.
Award Schedule 2023/24 7.11. Submission Deadline 7.12. Nominee Announcement 7.12.-01.24 Jury Evaluation & Public Voting Jan 2024 Fashion Award Ceremony April 2024 Main Award Ceremony
Jury (Selection) Leonne Cuppen (Yksi Expo Foundation), Prof. Claus-Christian Eckhardt (Lund University), Prof. Tina Kammer (InteriorPark.), Prof. Martin Charter (Centre of Sustainable Design), Mimi Sewalski (, Sebastian Thies (nat-2 / thies 1856®), Julius Wiedemann (DOMESTIKA), Raz Godelink (Parsons School of Design), Katrin de Louw (Trendfilter)
About the Green Future Club The Green Future Club is a network of sustainable innovators and experts with a vision of a near future, where all products are sustainable. The Club runs awards, exhibitions, networking-events, supports young designers and releases the yearly Green Trend Book with international best practices. Members benefit from knowledge-exchange, networking, co-creation, access to talents & investment options, reduced fees for Award submissions. Source: