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Student Competition 2023: 120 HOURS

120 Hours is one of the world's largest architectural competitions for students, by students. This year's competition will be held in collaboration with the UIA World Congress of Architects in Copenhagen, as part of the NextGen program with a session on July 5th. The student assignment will follow the theme of the conference; Sustainable futures- Leave no one behind. In this year's competition we seek to critically explore what sustainability means both within the industry and education, and we want to receive contributions that offer a wealth of suggestions and thoughts around current practices and narratives.

The competition will be held in week 13: The assignment will be published on March 27 at 14:00 UTC+2, and the submission deadline is exactly 120 hours later, Friday 1 April UTC+2. The jury reviews will take place in Oslo the 13th and 14th of April. Each year, the jury consists of 5-7 people from different backgrounds who each have relevant expertise for the relevant topic discussed in the assignment. Previously Kjetil Thorsen, Christian Kerez and Ellen Van Loon have been jury members.

At the congress in Copenhagen, 120 Hours will contribute with two concrete program items: An exhibition of this year's competition entries and a panel discussion that reflects on the theme of the assignment and trends in the submitted entries. The jury members and other exciting professionals, as well as – and perhaps most importantly – students participate in a conversation about tendencies and perspectives among the contributions to this year's competition. It is the students' contributions that sets the agenda for the conversation, and thus the panel discussion becomes a unique contribution to the congress; an independent debate based on what students all over the world want to address. Soruce: http://120HOURS.NO


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