Missing Middle and Mixing Middle housing forms, the subjects of Urbanarium’sprevious ideas competitions, are becoming mainstream policies. Urbanarium’s nextcompetition again explores missing middle housing, this time at the high end of thatdensity range.
Decoding Density is an international invitation to imagine new possibilities for six-storey plus apartment forms by addressing two of the most existential problems of
today: climate change and housing affordability. Submissions will challenge theconstraints of code and other regulations to do so.The six-storey wood frame apartment building is becoming a standard formunicipalities in the Metro Vancouver region for increasing density. And yet,designers exploring these apartment forms find that code and other regulations,combined with financial factors, generate boxes that are not affordable, do notaddress climate change, and struggle to offer outdoor space, light, and cultural,communal and family-orientated features. Source: https://urbanarium.org/decoding-density